Roasted Cauliflower Olive and Sundried Tomato Cavatelli

If you’ve not yet hopped on the roasted cauliflower bandwagon, please do soon for you will not be disappointed. Charring and caramelising the edges brings out a nutty, buttery flavour and when lightly oiled, salted and roasted for 20-30 minutes in a high temp oven it is tempting to pop it in like popcorn. I…

Beef Short Rib Ragu with Gnocchi

  I made this in ‘the gnocchi period’. You know when you make gnocchi once and suddenly this whole world opens up to you, all the combinations to try and how nice to have a new, staple ingredient to work with. If you haven’t already, try frying gnocchi in butter (another recipe for another time)…