Going Nuts!

Eat a handful of almonds a day, walnuts for your heart, peanuts for your brain and pecans and brazils for men’s health! If all the nut advice is driving you nuts, I advise to keep a stash of raw nuts/seeds – and familiarise yourself with a handful of recipes incorporating them. Be creative about when…

Beef Short Rib Ragu with Gnocchi

  I made this in ‘the gnocchi period’. You know when you make gnocchi once and suddenly this whole world opens up to you, all the combinations to try and how nice to have a new, staple ingredient to work with. If you haven’t already, try frying gnocchi in butter (another recipe for another time)…

Encapsulating the Pantry

Welcome to my blog. The name has derived from the fact I think that good ingredients should be ‘well travelled’ meaning they can complement or camouflage into any type of cuisine from anywhere in the world. I am also a collector of most ‘kitcheny’ things and small animal figures (the animal army). Since I have…