Luna di Miele in Toscana

We spent our honeymoon in Tuscany – 2 nights in Florence (mainly recovering from the wedding hype/hangovers) and 7 nights in the Maremma, which is South West Tuscany. The best thing about the holiday was exploring all the hilltop villages as well as sampling the local cuisine and sipping as much of the local wine…


As I’m a nosey parker who likes to know what other people eat and everyone loves to know about a good market – I thought I’d combine the two. Here’s some photos documenting what we buy from our local market in Richmond, as well as some suggestions as to where we have been and enjoyed…

Thank God for Fabric!

You could say fabrics are of secondary importance to food, which is possibly why they work so well together. Food for fuel, providing the essential nutrients required to keep us fit and healthy and fabric, for protection against the elements. Along with the kitchenalia and small animals, I collect fabrics. Sometimes I find table runners…

Pineapple Infant

I found this little fella today and couldn’t resist his charm….

Encapsulating the Pantry

Welcome to my blog. The name has derived from the fact I think that good ingredients should be ‘well travelled’ meaning they can complement or camouflage into any type of cuisine from anywhere in the world. I am also a collector of most ‘kitcheny’ things and small animal figures (the animal army). Since I have…